Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Trip to Marukai Market

As many in the San Diego area know, a new Marukai Market recently opened that carries a variety of Japanese & Hawaiian foods. I finally got a chance to sneak away and visit myself. Though the market is small, they have a nice variety of seafood, produce, noodles and sauces. Of course, one of my personal favorites was the colorful and tempting Japanese candy and treat aisle, though I tried my best not to linger too long. I did stay long enough to scope out the copious amounts of Pocky flavors. I think they had just about every flavor my little head could dream of. (For those not familiar, Pocky are little breadstick-ish treats covered in chocolate or strawberry to name two common flavors). The seafood aisle was well equipped with nicely sized portions of fish and at very reasonable prices. I bought myself some fresh tuna for about 3.50 that I plan on searing for dinner tonight with soy & garlic.

Here's a photo of some of my loot: Saimin noodles from Hawaii, Satsuma oranges and of course, the tuna I"m cooking tonight!

Marukai Market
8151 Balboa Ave
San Diego, CA 92111
Check out the mmm-yoso blog for a lot of great pictures of Marukai.

1 comment:

  1. I love Pocky! I love the "Men's" Pocky which is basically dark chocolate. :)


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