Thursday, March 27, 2008

Back in Action!

I just returned for a much needed and fabulous vacation with hubby in San Francisco, Napa and Sonoma. More on the vacation soon. After a long, but beautiful drive home along the coast of California, I came home to find:

1. All of my flowers died. I'm not sure how I thought they would survive my absence in bone-dry San Diego, but now I get to buy new ones! They've been growing in the garden for over a year, and the flowers were starting to look a little weathered.

2. I have 232 emails in my work inbox and 657 blog updates on igoogle. I need a vacation from my vacation.

3. I was alerted by dear reader, Cassie, that my blog has been down for the week! So very sorry (and thanks again, Cassie). I tried to make some last minute layout changes right before heading out the door, and apparently never checked to make sure the changes went through properly. Rookie move, I apologize. I'll be back with some fabulous recipes very soon!


  1. Looking forward to your upcoming posts. Good to have you back.

  2. I hate when the online world keeps on ticking when you just want a break:)

    Glad to hear you had fun!

  3. Welcome back Sharon! I can't wait to hear about your trip. ;)


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