Thursday, March 20, 2008

TCHO Chocolate and a Good Recipe to Follow!

TCHO is a new kind of chocolate company: a chocolate startup run by a former space shuttle technologist, Timothy Childs, and Wired magazine co-founder Louis Rossetto. Quite a duo if you ask me, and they are serious about their dark chocolate. They've gone for a minimalist design of brown paper, stamped label, and no pretentious percentage amounts of cocoa included. Their testers are everyday people like you and I and their chocolate is developed in beta versions.

Well, I was lucky enough to be a recipient of a beta bar from Blake Makes, a wonderful blog that provides giveaways (in addition to excellent recipes I must add) in exchange for a little blog feedback. Free Chocolate! It must be my birthday. I eagerly awaited the arrival and though I attempted a little restraint, I took a nice bite as soon as I could open up the package.

The chocolate was surprisingly aromatic and smooth. It was delicious, heaven in a little bar. And to be honest, I don't usually prefer plain, dark chocolate. I like it in something like a brownie or a cookie. I ended up using the chocolate in an excellent recipe that I will post later today, but I could have eaten this bar all by itself. Thanks, TCHO and Blake Makes!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! That blog is making me hungry - those recipes look amazing. I've added it to my google reader. ;)


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