Monday, April 7, 2008

Happily Back Home with Sore Legs!

Sorry if you received a blank post in your Google's Monday and I'm still trying to get back in the swing of things.

Well, we're finally back home for at least two weeks until we take off for a camping trip to Joshua Tree. The wedding was great and despite too much drinking and eating during the festivities, we managed to finish our half marathon. Hubby and I both did way better expected, especially considering our previous days' activities :)

Results: I got 9th out of 1084 participants in my gender/age group with a time of 1:38:44! This is certainly a PR for me, and I'm quite excited. Here's a somewhat embarrassing action shot for you all to enjoy:
We lucked out with sunshine and good weather. Now, I'm just recovering from some very sore legs. Since I can't move very far, I'm sure I'll spend some time in the coming days making some new recipes from my very fat "to-make" list. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Holy crap. 1:38? You are a superstar, Sharon. So fast and even after a wedding? Wow. Congrats!

  2. That's an incredible time, Sharon!! Go you!

  3. I haven't got to go to J Tree in over a year I have been so busy. Did you hike around or do you climb as well?
    I hope you post some pics of your trip, I would love to see the trees again.

  4. Julia & Kristal - Thanks for the support! It was truly a surprise. I had found a woman to run with for about 6 or so miles and she kept a great pace.

    camping chairs - I'll certainly post pictures after the trip. I know we'll be doing quite a lot of hiking since I'm going with some true outdoorsmen!

  5. Wow! Congratulations on an amazing PR time!!

  6. That is an excellent time Sharon! Wow!

    I haven't run like you since I was in the Army. Unfortunately, it's the treadmill for me these days; really bad knees, too much basketball and soccer in my youth. Keep it up!


  7. Holy cow, Sharon! That is amazing! You barely missed the winner's circle. Okay, now I'm definitely making some of those energy bars you blogged about;)


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