Thursday, April 10, 2008

Photo of the Day: Ritz Crackers Anyone?

Kirk from mmm-yoso! just returned from Vietnam and posted gorgeous photos of his trip. Seeing his pictures made me a little nostalgic and inspired me to look through my own albums. I visited Hanoi a few years back to see hubby while he and his best friend took "sabbaticals" and backpacked throughout Asia for a few months (tough life, huh?!) In any case, the photo above was taken in picturesque Halong Bay, one of the most beautiful and serene places I've ever been. We joined a 2 day junk boat cruise, which despite the name was not junky at all. You can imagine our surprise when a floating market paddled up to our boat, filled to the brim with goodies like Ritz crackers, Oreos and the middle of a bay in Vietnam, a UNESCO World Heritage site to be exact. After spending countless numbers of days eating foreign foods, a few Oreos never tasted so good :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon - Yes, those boats are everywhere.....pringles and all. We got up at 5am in the morning, and those hard working ladies were already on the prowl! Thanks for the link!


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