Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Aww, shucks! Thanks!

Thanks to Bridgett over at La Bella Cook for giving me the "I Love You This Much" Blog Award, which I must say, is one of the cutest I've seen. Doesn't it make you smile?

Bridgett has a fabulous blog with beautiful pictures that make me want to pack my bags and head on over to Italy for a month. Since that's sadly not feasible right now, I may just show up at her doorstep and have her bake me the delicious red velvet cake she posted. Go visit her & you won't be disappointed!

Like many others, I started this blog as a little project, mainly to help me keep track of my culinary experiments and serve as a virtual cookbook. I'm a little forgetful at times so what could be more helpful than posting my dishes on the web for the whole world to see? I wasn't sure who would read my blog, but I thank all my readers and visitors for coming by and offering comments. It really does make my day!

Though I'd really like to send this award along to all the blogs listed on my link list, I suppose that'd take awhile. I'm sharing this award with three blogs that I've been following for awhile and greatly enjoy:
  • Paws and Pours combines a little of all the good things in life: food, wine, dogs. I don't have a dog right now (though desparately want one), so reading about Chase is a nice way to live vicariously.
  • Adventures of an Amateur Foodie, based in San Diego, tempts me with not only yummy recipes but local restaurant reviews that remind me I need to branch out and go try something new!

Both of these blogs provide a wide variety of delicious recipes that I'm constantly bookmarking. My to-try list is way too long... Lastly,

  • My Life in Transition, while not a food blog, is full of fun, laughter and life. Julia's uber-creativity inspires me to one day be creative. I just haven't gotten there yet. Seriously, this woman is amazing and cracks me up with every post.

Thanks again, Bridgett! :)


  1. Congrats on your award! Love the new header.

  2. Wow, thanks Sharon! And congratulations on your award!
    I am honored (and humbled) as I don't feel like I belong in the ranks with the others including your's.
    I can't wait to check out Adventures of an Amateur Foodie as well. We just put a deposit down on a condo in Solano Beach for a week in Aug. so I will be checking her site and picking your brain for restaurant ideas/reviews.
    Keep up the great work on your lovely blog.!

  3. :::::blushing now:::::

    Thank you, Sharon! you are too kind. And congrats on the cute award, too. Much deserved. Maybe someday I'll post ONE food post to make you happy [or to make you chuckle at my efforts] :)

  4. Cathy, thanks so much!
    Mo, You're quite welcome as you definitely deserve it. Congrats on the condo...I'd be more than happy to give you any suggestions!

    I would love to see a food post up on your site. Although that picture of Nate making you a birthday cake is adorable. I have a similar picture (with my husband, not yours, haha) and it makes me smile everytime I see it.


Thanks for stopping by my blog! I welcome any and all feedback and sincerely appreciate your comments.