Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some Tunes to Carry You Over the Hump

It's Wednesday, folks. Hump Day to be exact. Only two more days till we can all enjoy frosty cold beverages and forget about the week's woes (that is, if you have any). Need inspiration? Check this cool yummy. Ooh, or this one while you're at it.

By Wednesday, I'm usually fretting about all the things I haven't done and still need to get done. The blog's no different. I'm officially a slacker. I've been tagged for several memes by Grace from A Southern Grace, Bridgett from La Bella Cook and Diva from the Sugar Bar. Sorry for the delay, I'm still trying to scrounge up all those funny & interesting tidbits about myself.

Meanwhile, Emiline from Visions of a Sugar Plum has tagged me for a music meme. Requiring little thought, I easily crossed this one off my to-do list. I love music! ...not saying that I don't love facts about myself, but you get the point :) So, if any of you are procrastinating as well, check out my tunes and those fabulous ladies' blogs.
Here's the rules:

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your summer (or whatever season). Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to.

{Breakdown by Jack Johnson Featuring Handsome Boy Modeling School}

{Lucky by Jason Mraz Featuring Colbie Caillat}

{Free Fallin by John Mayer} for some reason I love cover songs...

{Breathe Me by Sia}

{Star Mile by Joshua Radin}

{Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap}

{Southern Girl by Amos Lee}

If you love music & haven't done this meme, consider yourself tagged!


  1. Great version of "Free Fallin"!

  2. I love this meme.

    I also love covers, especially unexpected ones. Like for instance I recently bought the The Watson Twins doing Just Like Heaven--it's very different. I just bought the Amos Lee song by the way--cool pick.

  3. Great tunes. I've been tagged too, so I'm thinking....

  4. I don't know that I could post to this meme. I am an, I guess, DJ. I have filled my iPod which has a capacity of 60 gig and I STILL have more music!

    I like your taste tho...

  5. I love Sia's Breathe Me. The whole cd is great. Very nice choices, Sharon!

  6. Hey Sharon! If you love Imogen Heap you will LOVE Frou Frou. I was a huge fan of Frou Frou in college; the 'band' (if it can even be called that) consists of Imogen Heap and her husband, Guy, who just so happens to work with other great musicians. Amos Lee...gotta love him, I can't get enough of his song 'Colors'! Great Meme!

  7. Yay! You did it! I like your music style. I like all of these people. I really like John Mayer. My sister makes fun of me, but I don't care. She lost respect for him when he started dating Jessica Simpson.

  8. fabulous selections! i've got a mega crush on jack johnson. :)

  9. imogen heap! awesome. she's great choon-age i'll give ya that :) you're right - 2 days till the weekend. i'm officially doing a countdown now. x

  10. veggiegirl - thanks!

    the john - yea, I'm not sure why I always like covers, but this is actually a pretty good one.

    laura - Amos Lee is great. Colors is another great song I can listen to over and over. I'm going to check out the cover you mentioned!

    prudy - I'm awaiting your selections! I love the song that plays on your blog.

    mrorph - consider yourself tagged! 60gig...surely you have some great music to share with us:)

    bridgett - part of that song is on our wedding video so it's always a special one to me!

    sophie -I've heard a few of their songs and love them. Colors is my favorite Amos song!

    emiline - yea, he's gone down a little in my books too, but still good music. I wasn't a huge fan till I saw him live. He makes funny faces though his voice is amazing.

    grace - hubby teases me that I'd leave him for JJ.

    diva - I can almost taste Friday it's so close...

  11. Ah Honeydew Margs...glad you like it...!

  12. :::sign::: I love Jack Johnson. If I wasn't married I would try my luck with Jack. :::sigh:::


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