Thursday, July 24, 2008

Muffin Lady Update & Chicken Salad Sammies

Another day, another muffin. I promise this is the last muffin post for awhile, and for those sick of 'em (you crazy fool, you), I have another quick treat down below.

Thanks to everyone for sending me recipes. You've successfully fed into my muffin making obsession and I will be making them shortly once I recover from this muffin binge. I'm sure it won't take long. I recover quickly, thank God.

I made yet another batch of Raisin Bran muffins and think I like 'em better. These banana filled babies received an A+ on the day-after dryness test. I'm not sure if its the added fat from the butter or the moisture from the mashed bananas, but these do not remind me of the dry bran muffins I'm used to!

Here's the recipe I modified from the Kellogg's website for any of you gettin' rid of your cereal. Kristal, I know. It's blasphemy :) Because I have no mixer in the studio, I first melted the butter as opposed to creaming it with a mixer. Even if I did have my beloved KitchenAid, I think I like this low maintenance method -- one less thing to wash!

Banana Bran Muffins

A batch of Bran Muffins that stay moist after the ...

See Banana Bran Muffins on Key Ingredient.

Ok, on to life beyond muffins!

I made this chicken salad sammy for hubby's lunch today. He seemed to find it strange that I stopped to take photos as he was waiting to leave for work, but I've gotta show off my creations, right? I never use a hard and fast recipe when making chicken salad, so if you'd like some better guidance try visiting Picky Palate or The Pioneer Woman who are much better teachers than me on this short attention span Friday.

My version starts with a poached chicken breast. It's up to you whether you prefer to dice or shred your chicken. Personally, I like my chicken shredded as diced chicken sometimes reminds me of the bad pasta or chicken salads that use pre-fab processed chicken chunks. Yuck.

The dressing consists of nothing fancier than a little Hellman's mayo, lemon juice, spicy brown mustard, Kosher salt & fresh ground pepper, diced red peppers, and green grapes (cut in half). I season as I go so its hard to give exact measurements. I often cook as my mom taught me - just wing it!

Top your chicken salad with some cucumbers & spinach and you're on your way to a healthy lunch! Have a great weekend.


  1. The chicken salad looks delicious! Thanks for posting as I never would have topped mine with cucumber. (I realize it's probably a painfully obvious topper, but it's never occured to me!)

  2. that's how my mom taught me to cook to - just to eye everything! i never measure when cooking, only when baking. :)

    i love chicken salad. The sandwich looks yummy. My hubby had never eaten chicken salad until I made it for him for lunch once after we got married!

  3. Both recipes look great to me! I love chicken salad, it is one of my favorite sammy's! Thanks for the shout out! Have a great weekend!!

  4. my hubby doesn't understand why i take pictures of everything we eat either. he wants to start a food bloggers spouse blog!

  5. Now this ones look really good! The banana does help with the moistness. But if you get dry muffins again, you can use them for bread pudding 8instead of bread) and bake them in the muffin tins. Since you love bread pudding, sure you'll like this.

  6. LOL! I just may have to break down and try these muffins.

    And FYI, I've been jamming to the music a few posts below everyday this week at work!

  7. No worries, I love muffins - keep posting them!! :0D

  8. Tired of muffins? NEVER!

    Oh, and it's a frequent refrain in our home "Can I eat it now? Are you done taking pictures?!?" :-)

  9. both look yummy! especially the salad. chicken salads are my favorite. there are so many recipes I want to try with it:)

  10. I love chicken salad too. Pile high with fresh veggies just like you.
    Keep on sharing those muffin recipes too! I love everything you create.

  11. I wish I like bananas. :( But your salad/sandwich is gorgeous. I love grapes in chicken salad.

  12. i'm happy to see grapes in your chicken salad. i get confused, then sad, then angry when i'm served chicken salad in a restaurant and there're no grapes. :)

  13. Chicken salad looks great and thanks for another muffin. Don't stop now-I love the muffin posts.

  14. This is my forst time to your blog. I have been married forever and let me just say it gets better every year. I love chicken salad!

  15. That chicken salad sandwich looks good! I will have to try adding grapes next time

  16. I love grapes in my chicken salad! And I know what you mean about the chicken chunks :-) Looks terrific!

  17. I love your muffin posts, don't stop now! Chicken salad makes the perfect, easy sandwich and yours looks tasty. I love the idea of adding grapes, I've yet to try it that way.

  18. I love the dressing idea on the chicken salad. Yum!

  19. Hey, I don't get sick of muffin posts at all. I'm pretty much a muffin maniac too. Always looking for some new ones to try. It's a great breakfast, and I love to throw them in the freezer too.

  20. hahaha i've turned into a muffin maniac too...and yours look gorgeous! (i am totally partial to banana muffins ^_^)

  21. Absolutely love love the chicken salad!!! Adding green grapes sounds like such a GREAT idea.

  22. I love chicken salad, I'll have to try yours out! Your sandwich looks delicious!


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