Friday, August 15, 2008

Turkey Adobo Quinoa Chili

Not to be confused with Summer Quinoa Black Bean Salad, today's chili has many of the same ingredients but is in chili form. Chili's perfect for these sweltering summer days, don't ya think? :)

Now that I've overcome my trepidation of cooking with quinoa, I wanted to try the protein powerhouse in something other than a salad or at a cold temperature. I browsed the web for awhile, and of course, remembered that Kevin of Closet Cooking had posted some tasty recipes using quinoa. If you haven't visited Closet Cooking yet, first you're a little crazy and second, you certainly should as Kevin posts tempting & creative recipes nearly everyday. Using his Black Bean and Quinoa Chili as an inspiration, I embarked on creating my first quinoa chili.

Trying to make Kevin's recipe by heart, I knew I would forget some essential ingredients, but I tend to like cooking soups/chili on the go. Well, I erroneously thought Kevin hadn't included water in his recipe. While mixing the ingredients, I couldn't get over how thick it was. Though he used 2 cups of water, I only used 3/4 cup so mine's pretty thick in comparison. I tend to like it a little thick so feel free to add water if you're more of a soup gal/guy. I also added in some extra ground turkey I had on hand and liked the heartiness it adds. If you omit the turkey, you have an easy vegetarian meal on your hands!

Hope you all have a great weekend! It's been a tough week for me in between work issues & condo flooding so I'm glad some rest is finally on the way!

Turkey Adobo Quinoa Chili
Adapted from Closet Cooking

1 cup quinoa (rinsed thoroughly) + 2 cups water for boiling
1 tablespoon oil
1 onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 lb ground turkey
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon cumin
1 28 ounce can crushed tomatoes
3/4 cups water
2 19 ounce cans black beans, drained and rinsed
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 zucchini, chopped
1 chipotle chili in adobo sauce, chopped with 1 tbsp of sauce
1 teaspoon dried oregano
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup corn (fresh, frozen or canned)
1 handful cilantro (chopped)

1. Rinse quinoa thoroughly in a fine sieve until water runs clear. Toast the quinoa in a dry skillet for approximately 2 minutes. Combine quinoa and and 2 cups water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook for about 15 minutes.
2. Heat the oil in a large wok. Add the onions and saute until tender, about 2 minutes. Add garlic and ground turkey. Continue to saute until turkey is no longer pink, but not cooked through completely.
3. Add cinnamon, chili powder, cumin and continue to saute an additional 4 minutes.
4. Add 3/4 cup water, tomatoes, black beans, peppers, zucchini, chipotle chili & sauce, oregano, salt and pepper and simmer for 20 minutes.
6. Add the quinoa and corn and simmer for an additional 5 minutes.
7. Remove from the heat and stir in the cilantro.


  1. I looove quinoa, chili, AND lots of spice, so that's a perfect recipe! :0)

  2. That's quite a mouthful! I should add quinoa to my chili!

  3. You know...I've never cooked with quinoa. I keep thinking that I need to experiment with it since it is supposed to be so healty. Perhaps this recipe will be my inspiration!

  4. I remember kevin making that! Chili that's good for you, I'm game! Where should I sit, I brought my own bowl! lol

  5. What's KEEN-wa? :-)

    Now that is one great looking chili. Perfect for summer.

    Don't you just love getting that perfect food into your diet? I just got two more bags from RG AND I found several varieties at WF. It's on now!

  6. Your quinoa chili looks good! Sometimes I like a nice thick chili as well. I like the addition of the turkey.

  7. I'm still working on my quinoa making abilities...I've only made it once as a side dish and it was good...I need to try some new things with it. This looks great! I love one pot meals like this!

  8. I've got to get my hands on quinoa before the fall when chili is on the menu every week. The shrimp and orzo look so good and what a crack up about fat free yogurt.

  9. This does look good and I like the thick chili too, I'll stick with the 3/4 cup.

  10. i like my chili thick, fiery, and beany, so i'm loving this. it's purty and healthy and easy and altogether sensational. very nice, even on a toasty day. :)

  11. Hmmm, I've never used quinoa...sounds enticing. Randomly, I was looking for a vegetarian chili recipe (I'm not even vegetarian), so this could be a big help. I might have to try it out!

  12. your chili looks good even on a hot day

  13. I'm still a quinoa virgin. Never thought to use it in a chili though! Nice idea...

  14. You have me beat, I've never used quinoa before :). Looks so hearty!

  15. Ok you've convinced me, i'll buy quinoa next time I'm in the supermarket!

  16. I am going to have to give quinoa a try as well. This looks delicious and healthy. Can't beat that!

  17. This looks amazing! I am so excited to make this for a fall football food!
    Your pictures are amazing too!

  18. He has the most perfect pictures on his blog. I'm jealous.

    This looks very good! Was it spicy?
    Sorry about the flooding.

  19. Now this looks so tasty! I know I'd be a fan for sure. Bring on the quinoa!

  20. this looks so good. i love coming to your blog to get some great food ideas. i loved the last one with the shrimp too, so delicious.

  21. veggiegirl - agreed!

    that girl - I always come up with these long, preposterous names, huh? :)

    lucyinstlou - You should try, its just as easy as cooking rice and soo much more healthy!

    dawn - I'd be happy to make you some, anytime!

    mrorph - are you challenging me to a keen-o-ah cook off?

    kevin - thanks for the great recipe & inspiration!

    aggie - this is only my 2nd attempt. I'm eager to try different variations as well

    prudy - I think I'll be adding a touch of quinoa to other chili recipes just to boost the protein factor

    noble pig - I like all my soups thick!

    grace - as long as you crank up the a/c, chili is great in the summer!

    garrett - hope it works out. Just omit the turkey and you have a veggie recipe.

    maria - thanks!

    recipe girl - I'm sure you could come up with a creative use for quinoa.

    sophie - I'm on a mission to have everyone try it!

    clumbsy cookie - yea! Glad to hear it.

    bridgett - I'm sure it'd be good as a side dish to some of your yummy Italian creations.

    healthyhostess - that's a great idea!

    emiline - nope, not too spicy. Nothing I could is particularly spicy :)

    jenny - it sure is healthy...can't go wrong!

    katie - thanks so much!!

  22. This looks lovely, I wish I could get my husband into whole grains - I try to "trick" him sometimes (whole wheat pasta, brown rice), but it never works. :)

  23. you are one hot lady...or wife? :P

  24. I might try to make this with a meat substitute like Match or the Morningstar Farms fake meat crumbles. It looks so tasty!

  25. Condo flooding? Oh no! Well, at least you're still eating well--this looks incredible.

  26. That sounds great! One of these days I'm going to buy quinoa and try it.

  27. I made this the other day and it is amazing. I loved it. The only thing I would do different maybe is have more liquid. It really didn't have much after the first day. It was great for scooping up into baked tostidos. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I love it and will make it for many more years to come.

  28. This is something new to me. This recipe is really going to keep me busy in the kitchen with all its glamor. This is another must for the weekend!


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