Monday, February 16, 2009

Shrimp and Spinach Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's and President's Day(s). We had a lot of quality relaxing time together as a result of some very uncharacteristic Southern California rain and our desire to veg in pj's all weekend. Of course, hubby planned a blissfully romantic Valentine's Day for us, beginning with a candlelit breakfast complete with favorite!

Shrimp Spinach Stuffed MushroomsI was lucky enough to have today off of work so we spent the rest of our long weekend eating a lot of Mexican food and drinking plenty of beer. If you've never been to San Diego, you must visit & try the finest local fare: fish tacos and/or shrimp burritos. I'm officially addicted.

Unfortunately, I have neither to show you today, but I can offer you these delicious Portobello (...or is it Portabella?) mushrooms stuffed with shrimp, and topped with creamy spinach and a crisp Parmesan breadcrumb topping. Sounds decadent, eh?

{yummy shrooms ready to pop in the oven...}
Spinach Portabellas Ready to Pop in the OvenI first spotted these tasty delights on one of my very favorite blogs, Noble Pig. I've made several variations since and like the portobello mushrooms best since they're a little larger and thus give you more bang for your buck (i.e. maximum amount of shrimps per mushroom). I also have a short attention span and can only stuff so many little shrooms, so these big guys cut down on my workload!

Stuffed Portabella MushroomsThese make for a perfect party appetizer or even a light meal if served with a side salad and a nice hunk of crusty bread. If you find yourself with more toppings than mushrooms to fill, we used the leftover shrimp & spinach topping to make an excellent panini sandwich with a little swiss cheese. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

Shrimp Rockefeller Stuffed Mushrooms with Parmesan Crumbs
adapted from Noble Pig & Cuisine at Home

about 10 medium sized Portobello mushrooms
Shrimp topping:
1 T. Olive Oil
1 lb. large shrimp, peeled, deveined, cut into chunks
1 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste.
Spinach Filling:
3 oz. cream cheese, softened
3 T. mayonnaise
1 T. milk
1 small clove garlic, minced
10 oz. frozen chopped spinach, thawed, squeezed dry
3 T. Parmesan, grated
1 t. fresh lemon juice
1/2 t. Worcestershire sauce
2 T. scallions, minced
Salt and pepper to taste
breadcrumb topping:
1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs (I used a crusty sourdough roll and put in the food processor)
3 T. Olive oil
3 T. Parmesan, grated
cooking spray

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Prepare mushrooms by removing and discarding stems. Arrange caps on a baking sheet, stemmed side up, sprinkle insides with salt, and roast 10 minutes. The mushrooms produce quite a lot of juice, so drain if needed. Flip caps over and roast 5 minutes more. Remove mushrooms from oven; leave oven on.

Season shrimp with Old Bay seasoning, salt & pepper to taste. Saute shrimp in 1 T. olive oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat just until pink, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat.

For spinach filling, in a large bowl combine cream cheese, mayonnaise, milk, garlic, spinach, 3 T, Parmesan, lemon juice, Worcestershire, scallions and salt and pepper to taste.

Toss crumbs with 3 T. oil, 3 T. Parmesan, salt and pepper to taste in a small bowl.

Stuff mushrooms, placing a few shrimp pieces in each cap. Top with a generous dollop of spinach cream cheese mixture, sprinkle with crumbs, and spray tops lightly with cooking spray. Bake until heated through and topping is golden, about 8-9 minutes. Serve immediately


  1. I love stuffed shrooms in almost any application that it comes. This is an interesting one for sure. I did a crabmeat stuffed portabello dish once but I used white wine to ove braise the shroom. THe shrooms drank so much of the wine it rendered them inedible.

  2. I love mushrooms!! THey look so delicious...I really have to try this!

  3. fantastic, i really like this dish :)

  4. I could make a meal out of those

  5. I'm so jealous that you have fish tacos en masse where you are. One of the reasons I can't wait to move back to Cali.
    These mushrooms are stuffed perfectly--filled with the good stuff!!!!

  6. Sharon, of course they're delicious. You got your nice source. I also like to use Cathy's recipe. She knows how to cook (and to bake)

  7. I love stuffed mushrooms. The filling sounds incredible.

  8. "stuffed" is an understatement--these are chock-full to the brim and beyond! gorgeous, sharon. :)

  9. I love stuffed mushrooms any way. Now with shrimps that must be so good.

  10. I don't do fish tacos, but I am a fan of shrimp burritos. And carne asada burritos. And California burritos......

  11. Mmmm I love mushrooms. Those look fabulous!

  12. If I didn't know any better I would think you were a Master Chef!!

  13. It was the perfect weekend to stay in and veg! Sounds like you had a good time and these little shroom were probably delicious!

  14. These look excellent. I made crab stuffed mushrooms for valentines day but they didn't come out as good as I hoped. I will have to try these next time.

  15. These look beautiful! What a wonderful way to enjoy stuffed mushrooms. Your pictures are beautiful by the way!

  16. I wished I liked mushrooms - these look amazing!!

  17. I haven't had a PJs day in awhile, and it's perfect weather for it all the time here--with the snow and all.

    You've done it again, so many tasty foods in one delightful mushroom--my favorite mushroom, actually :). Yum!

  18. I love stuffed mushrooms...these look soooooo good!

  19. These not only look delicious, but beautiful too!!!

  20. This sounds wonderful. Can't wait to try it, but I would tweak it a tiny bit. Instead of discarding the stems, I would try chopping them finely & adding them to the filling mixture. I think they would ehnance, and certainly couldn't hurt the dish!

  21. I love all of that filling coming out of the shrooms!! I can't wait to try this one!

  22. These look SO GOOD! I can't wait to try and make them - operative word being TRY :o)

  23. These look SO GOOD! I can't wait to try and make them - operative word being TRY :o)

  24. Joni, Great suggestion! One of the times that we've made these shrooms, we saved the stems and made a "casserole" with the roasted stems and put the spinach/shrimp/breadcrumbs on top. It was also delicious!

  25. Mmm, man, I just wanted to reach through the screen and grab one. They look spectacular!!

  26. That looks ultra delicious!!! I love anything stuffed portobello mushrooms! BTW I'm gonna be in LA this weekend. Do you have any must eat suggestions? I'm really looking for Vietnamese food.

  27. Hi Sharon
    You are really a lucky girl.
    Fantastic dish x

  28. these would totally be my dinner! I adore stuffed mushrooms. Great post, Sharon!

  29. Wow! Those sound incredible and the pictures are great!

  30. I'm just getting around to my blogs after a crazy week and oh my made them. I can eat so many of these it's sick! Glad you liked them!

  31. These look fantastic! I don't know how I missed them on Noble Pig's blog, but I'm not passing them over again. Printer is whirling now.
    Thanks for posting!

  32. Hi Aji - thanks for leaving a comment! I love hearing from everyone.

  33. Shrimp stuffed into mushrooms with cream cheese and cheese...mmm... These sound great!

  34. I am such a fan of stuffed mushrooms, these are over the top!!!

  35. I love anything with portobello mushrooms! This looks heavenly :) Will definitely try it. Check out my portobello mushrooms ravioli reicpe. You might like it :)

  36. I prepared these stuffed portobello last week and they were delicious. Thanks for the recipe!


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