Monday, April 6, 2009

'Loser' Peanut Butter Cookie Crunch Bars

Could it have been the too long, cumbersome name? Or, perhaps it was the utter deliciousness of everything good in life perched atop a cookie crust, but sadly I was not chosen as a finalist in Betty Crocker's Cookie Contest. I like to think of myself as humble to a fault, but this recipe was pretty kick ass if I can so humbly say so myself.

Peanut Butter Cookie CrunchIf only Betty knew what I could do with $4,000 cash! Obviously, I would have gone to great lengths to stimulate the economy like no other with new and fabulous gladiator sandals, a flat iron to keep my hair sleek and a snazzy espresso machine for good measure.

Well, I suppose I'll just keep clippin' coupons for now.

This recipe is inspired by a few of my favorite things: cookies (obviously), toasted marshmallows, chocolate, peanut butter and rice krispy treats. Overkill? It may sound like it, but this dessert was neither too rich, nor too sweet. Rather, it's just a nice balance of yes, all the good things in life. I can't stress this enough!

In my very scientific approach to coming up with a $4,000 recipe I created this first with a peanut butter cookie crust and then tried out a sugar cookie crust. Hubby and I were so baffled as to which version was superior that we just had to polish off both batches to provide an objective taste test. Did I tell you we're on a diet now?

Ooey gooey goodness piled high! After making either a sugar cookie or peanut butter cookie crust, cover the cookie with marshmallows and toast in the oven until they're lightly brown. Chocolate is melted with a little peanut butter and mixed with a touch of oats and a good dose of Rice Krispy Cereal and then spread over the toasted marhsmallows. The chocolate crunch topping is a little difficult to spread out, but with some patience and love, you'll get there. When all else fails, I like to marble things to make my difficulties look professional!

Here's the recipe!!
Peanut Butter Cookie Crunch Bars
Like I mentioned, I made these with both a sugar cookie and a peanut butter cookie crust. They were both amazing. Here is the recipe with peanut butter cookie.
**If you want to try the sugar cookie base, follow the instructions on the bag since that variety has different add-ins.

1 package peanut butter cookie mix (Betty Crocker)
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg
1 tablespoon water
4 cups mini marshmallows
1/4 cup mini marshmallows
1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup chunky peanut butter
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup oats
1 1/2 cup Rice Krispy Cereal

Heat oven to 350 degrees and spray a 13x9 inch pan with nonstick cooking spray.

In a large bowl, combine cookie mix, egg, oil and water until a soft dough forms. Press dough onto bottom of pan. Bake for 14-15 minutes or until lightly golden brown.

Remove from oven and cover cookie base evenly with marshmallows. Return to oven for 5 minutes or until marshmallows are lightly toasted.

Meanwhile, melt marshmallows, chocolate chips, peanut butters, and butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Mix constantly until melted. Stir in oats and rice krispy cereal. Allow to cool slightly.

Spread mixture over marshmallow layer evenly. The mixture may be a little thick so spread as well as you can. With a knife, run the marshmallow layer and chocolate layer to create a marble.

Allow to cool before cutting.

Congrats to the finalists! Go check 'em out!


  1. Yum! You had to keep us hanging for the recipe, didn't you? LOL

  2. Ok..thats not right! I want the recipe NOW NOW NOW!!!!!

  3. From someone who lost a cooking contest - i can tell you that the judges don't always know what they are talking about. These look like winners! Thanks for sharing

  4. That's worth a diet. I'll take a whole batch, please.

  5. I can't believe you didn't win, these look AMAZING! I'm a total marshmallow lover.

  6. You got hosed. This sounds awesome and who does not like those flavors? Next year I think you need to resort to bribery or kidnapping to ensure victory.

  7. oh these are squares of pure bliss. I love these. They looks delicious. I would olish both versions :)

  8. OMG, how do I suppose to comment to this delicious, mouth watering, crumbly, buttery bars? Ohhh

  9. gooooood lord woman! massive amounts of gooey stuff there. heaven for sure!

  10. Wow what a great bar! I was just thinking that I needed to make some bar cookies--I actually have not made any in a while which is really weird. Maybe this is the recipe to get me going. :) Obviously I think you should have won. :)

    I thought of you, btw, because I posted a shrimp recipe on my blog (gasp!). :)

  11. aww, that looks like a winner to me!

  12. This is goooorgeous. Not a finalist?! What??!!

    This is a feast for the eyes and taste buds, those pics are mesmerizing!

  13. They look fabulous! Great flavor combination and very creative - definitely a winner!

  14. well, i think they sound stellar and i commend you for your creativity! and definitely the peanut butter cookie crust for me, please. :)

  15. OMG I just gained ten pounds reading that post

  16. like peanut butter smores for grown-ups!

  17. These look incredible. I looked at the other contestants and thought yours looked way better by far! I noticed that the oats measurement says "1/" -- Is that supposed to be 1/2? Thank you!

  18. They should have won! They looks so tasty.

  19. So yummy looking. Those jerks at Betty Crocker don't know what they're missing!

  20. Hi Erica - thanks for catching! It should say 1/4 cup of oats.

  21. These bars do look kick ass. Man, you totally should have won. They look delicious. I want to eat like ten of these right now. You've combined some of my favorite things into an incredible-looking bar. Wow!

  22. What a fantastic treat!! Looks like a winning recipe to me!

  23. Those look amazing you should of won the contests!

  24. These. look. awesome. I'd have picked you! Oh, but wait, I entered four recipes and none of mine were picked either. Try, try, again, hey.
    These really look yum!

  25. I think Betty's losing it Sharon, these are KICK ASS!!!

  26. Ooh looks like a great snack! Very creative. :) I'm a loser too - I entered the Pilsbury Bake off but didn't get selected. :) Not that I expected to, but still disappointing of course!

  27. WOW! These look incredible! You should've won. I don't know how you can beat these.

  28. These look utterly decadently delicious!! Your photos have me wanting a few..

  29. There's no "loser" in those bars at all!

  30. oh my goodness. do you think after eating these you would need 4000 dollars of lipo?

  31. How completely kick ass. I am voting for you even though the contest is over!


  32. Those looks absolutely tempting.

  33. That is not a loser!! Looks delicious!

  34. Had my in-laws over for dinner and made these for dessert. They were divine! Thanks for the recipe :)


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