Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Feta Avocado Tomato Dip

When the sun is blazing and our non-air conditioned house heats up, spending time sweating in the kitchen seems like a dangerous proposition. While I may be a bit of a baby when it comes to cold temperatures, I get equally cranky when the temps rise. I suppose its a good thing we're in San Diego now, huh?

Luckily I have an arsenal of light, no-heat recipes that save hubby and me from eating out every night...or having cranky me heat up our kitchen and house. This dip is one of my all-time favorites that I like to make after a trip to the farmer's market. Best paired with crackers, pita, or baguettes, I particularly love this dip because it gives me a reason to indulge in my most absurd obsession: Wheat Thins. Mmm...of all the good things on the earth, I would pick Wheat Thins over almost any snack as my last on earth :) Enjoy this cool & fresh snack!

Feta Avocado Tomato Dip
courtesy of Ralph's recipes

2 avocados, chopped
4 tomatoes, chopped
1 small red onion, chopped
1 bunch cilantro, chopped
4 oz. crumbled feta cheese
1/4 cup olive oil (I used a little less)
1 Tbsp. white wine vinegar
1 Tbsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. kosher salt

Combine avocados, tomatoes, and onion in a bowl. Mix gently & stir in the cilantro. Add feta, olive oil, vinegar, cumin and salt. Mix until combined. Cover and chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve.


  1. Sounds very cool. I'm laughing at your love of wheat thins

  2. LOOOOOVE avocados!! And I used to love Wheat Thins :-D

  3. ohhh cumin is in this, yes. nice addition my friend.
    I, we, have 1000 degree heat too. We had Good Humor bars for dinner last night, nice right?

  4. Yum - this looks like a great summer snack.

    Even San Diego can really get hot, especially in an un-airconditioned house! My parents live in SD, and they even live where it's coastal and doesn't get TOO hot, but their house really heats up during the summer (no AC either), and I get a bit cranky myself if I'm visiting and the house is sweltering. :)

  5. mmm...it's like guacamole, but a more greek version. that's fine by me! i second your love of wheat thins, by the way, and when i crank my ac up when i get home this evening, i'll think of you and your unfortunate situation. :)

  6. I love the vibrant colors in this dip! Sounds delicious too! I love Wheat thins, but if I had to pick a favorite snack it would be a little less healthy :)

  7. No A/c?? Oh my here in Florida..we would spontaniously combust!!!

  8. Thankfully it hasn't been an exceptionally hot summer. I am loving this!

  9. This looks delicious Sharon, I thing I'd like this with a baguette please!

  10. SD's the perfect place for you to be then! I'm also a chicken in cold weather (even in Big Bear, my fingers and toes feel like they're freezing!) and am a big crybaby when it's hot/humid. Hawaii is a happy place for me, and so is San Diego! :)

  11. mmm.... this looks so good. 8 more weeks and i'm all over the feta. :)

  12. I have everything to make this at home! Yahoo! Great recipe.

  13. Very very nice combo! Healthy, delicious sounding dish!

  14. Looks great! I have plenty of avocado on hand now since my baby has started to eat them. Now, I can make this!

  15. i'm just lazying in bed wondering what to have for lunch and i see this. what a great pre-lunch snack this would make. someone needs to invent a zapper for foodies to zap food off the computer screen. :D fast food at its best. x

  16. I love avocados and feta, what a great idea to put them together, I could finish this dip all up myself!

  17. Great idea with the feta cheese. I usually just have mine with avo and tomato!

  18. I have a whole pile of feta I need to use. This is awesome!

  19. This puts average guacamole to shame! Can't wait to try it!

  20. This looks like a fun and different alternative to guacamole - yum!

  21. You managed to combine two of my favorite ingredients: feta and avocados. This looks really delicious!

  22. This dip sounds really good! I like the feta and avocado combo.

  23. i flippin LOVE wheat thins. this sounds like guacamole with a mediterranean kick. i bet it's great with homemade pita chips too. looks awesome.

  24. Oh I love wheat thins too! They have flavored ones too, but sadly I had to stop eating the tomato pesto sauce ones. My husband said they made me unkissable -grins- Love the look of this dip, I am definitely trying it sometime this holiday season!


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