Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Black Bean Mushroom Burgers

First off, congrats to the winners of the Macy's shopping giveaway! Amber (lucky #3) would host a black and white themed party while Kerstin (lucky # 15) wants to host a Mexican themed party with guac and margs. Yum! Thanks for entering the giveaway and let us know what you buy!

On to other good stuff...Do you ever find yourself making something that tastes so delicious but looks utterly unattractive? Well, file me under "ugly but yummy" because I truly struggled whether I should post these or not. In the end, I couldn't resist because we loved these Black Bean Mushroom burgers so much.

Black Bean Mushroom BurgerAmong good things in life, black beans and mushrooms hang out at the top of my list. Unlike other things that hang out up there (cake & ice cream), these ingredients are actually good for me and you. Even better, my carnivore hubby gave these a big thumbs up so rest assured, you too can subject a vegetarian meal upon your favorite meat eater.

Grab your handy dandy food processor and get to work. Black beans are whirled with sauteed baby bellas, a little bread crumb action and cilantro. Add goat cheese and form into yummy patties. Though we fired these up on the grill, things got a little messy and next time I will just saute them in a pan with a lot of cooking spray and/or olive oil. They're a little too fragile for the grill in my opinion. Serve on toasty English Muffins and you have yourself a veg treat!

I found these tasty burgers on Culinary in the Country and stayed pretty true to the recipe so head on over there to check it out. My only recommendations would be to use a full tub of goat cheese, consider using more bread crumbs, and to saute these babies!


  1. Goat cheese sounds like a great addition to these flavor-packed burgers. Homemade bean/shroom burgers are the best - and I will certainly try yours out next time. thanks!

  2. i made something like this once. my burgers were a lot darker from the black beans, but they were so much better than the store-bought stuff.

  3. Yummy! Your recipes are always so elegant.

  4. yummy... I wanted to make an unique burger, preferably veggie, and this recipe is very fitting to that. thanx! :)

  5. Nope not ugly at all. I love a homemade bean burger, way better texture than any store bought crap.

  6. I love black bean burgers, and the addition of mushrooms sounds fabulous! Can't wait to try these!

  7. You've made my day! I can't believe I won - this is the first time I've ever won a blog giveaway! Thanks so much :)

    Love your burgers too. We always have black beans and goat cheese around and I love that these also have mushrooms in them - yum!

  8. I actually think these look delicious! I like how hearty they look. I'm gonna have to try these, especially if a meat-eater was a fan! :)

  9. This is being bookmarked. Can't wait to make them. Ugly but yummy is my specialty:)

  10. mmm... love black bean burgers. i'm definitely going to have to try these - not something i would usually put mushrooms in, but it sounds like a great experiment!

  11. I just made an appetizer tonight that wasn't very pretty but it tasted SO GOOD.

    I think your burgers sound fantastic - I love anything with mushrooms.

  12. i always try not to discriminate based on looks. smell has a much more powerful effect on me, and i'll bet these smell delightful! taste is, of course, most important of all, and i'm sure something like this isn't hurting in that department!

  13. I make a black bean burger too which we love but the idea of adding mushrooms is great!

  14. Sometime ugle food tastes the best! YUM

  15. I've never had a burger like this Sharon but I think I'd really enjoy it, it looks so good!!

  16. I love black beans but have never tried anything like this. My ugly food obsession is roasted broccoli.

  17. I love black bean burgers. I used to eat them all the time in college.

  18. Wow Sharon, these burgers look too good. I love vegetarian food.

    Congrats to the winners!

  19. This sounds delicious and a healthy way to eat burgers :)

  20. That is AWESOME! I was JUST talking about good meatless burger recipes! This is outstanding! And I love your suggestions about the goat cheese and bread crumbs! Thanks so much for checking out my site! You have a fantastic one yourself!

  21. These look great! I've been wanting to make something similar to this for a long time but haven't found a recipe that sounded good to me. This one sounds super though!

  22. Im not a big fan of beef so this looks like a great alternative for me! yum!

  23. I don't discriminate against ugly food either. If it's tasty. I'll keep chomping on it.

  24. Wow, this looks good. I haven't tried making a bean burger, this recipe sounds great! Love the the goat cheese in them!

  25. I don't even think these look bad, actually I think they look great! I am glad you posted them :) I need to try this! I love veggie burgs.


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