Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lazy Baker Oatmeal Cherry Raisin Spice Cookies

Confession Time...I'm still feeling a little under the weather and haven't cooked dinner in oh, 2 weeks?! Luckily, hubby has stepped in as the happy house-husband and uses the blog like a virtual cookbook. I knew this site would come in handy one day!

Oatmeal Raisin Cherry Spice CookiesWhile I may not be preparing meals, this does not mean I won't bake! Every sick woman needs cookies and breads, don't you think? The lovely folks at Lazy Baker must have been channeling my inner laziness and offered to send me a sample of their cookie mix. Though not typically a huge fan of prepackaged foods, anything with the name lazy sounds great right about now.

Oatmeal Raisin Cherry Spice Cookies
Wanting something out of the ordinary, I tried their Oatmeal Cherry Raisin Spice cookie mix, which comes in a very cute package by the way. See the sleeping chef? That's me.
Just add butter, egg, and vanilla and you're good to go. Seriously, it doesn't get easier than this.

Lazy Baker CookiesVerdict: If you're anything like us and like a little spice in your cookies, these are perfect for you. If not a fan of spice, keep looking! These came out much more plump and round than pictured on their website, but that's how I like 'em - thick and soft yet chewy! Mmm... Seriously, these are perfect and tasted even the better the next day! Check 'em out.


  1. Get 100% well soon!!

    Love the cookies - nice spice!

  2. Feel better soon! Lazy Baker's cookies lood good.

  3. those are some AWESOMELY fat cookies. i absolutely adore dried cherries, too, even sans cookie. get well soon, sharon!

  4. I love that you put lots of stuff in this fabulous cookie.

  5. My husband would love it if you sent him a bakers dozen ASAP!!!

  6. They look like the perfect snack to grab on the go. Hope you're feeling better!

  7. Oatmeal cookies are my favorite!

  8. ahh yes, we always need our sweets =)

  9. totally love plump, soft and chewy cookies...but i dont think i can get this product here :(

  10. Mmm looks delicious! I love oatmeal cookies. I hope you feel better!

  11. Oh man, I wish I had gotten to try these! They look great!

  12. I hope you get better soon. I'm sure these cookies are helping! I think I'm gonna have to make something like this soon. I'm dying here looking at how dense and delicious these are.

  13. These look amazing! I sure hope you feel better soon.

  14. Those look so thick and chewy and yummy...

  15. These cookies look like a total munch fest! Thank goodness they are not in my house right now. Yum!


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