Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Childhood Throwback: Ranch Oyster Crackers

Certain foods just exude memories of childhood. Seems just like yesterday I was popping Bagel Bites in the toaster oven and picking off those creepy square pepperoni pieces one by one...Or, eating the cornbread coating of the corn dog, sans hot dog. Apparently I liked things 'just so' by a very young age!

Ranch Oyster Crackers

I distinctly remember one of the grade school homeroom mothers always made ranch oyster crackers. I'm not sure why or for what occasion, but all I know is that I ate them a lot and my mom surely didn't make them! The other day I got an intense craving for them and was pleased to find they weren't just a figment of my imagination. And, 20-some odd years later, they're just as tasty as I remember.

Try these zesty crackers in a bowl of chili. Its an utter delight.

Homeroom Ranch Oyster Crackers
1 1oz. package Ranch dressing mix
1/2 teaspoon dill
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon lemon pepper (optional)
1/4 cup canola oil
5 cups oyster crackers

Preheat oven to 250 degrees
1. In a large bowl, combine ranch, dill, garlic powder, lemon pepper and oil. Stir until well combined.
2. Add oyster crackers and toss gently until crackers are evenly covered with seasoning.
3. Spread crackers evenly on a cookie sheet and bake 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Gently stir about half way through baking.


  1. Oh my goodness! I've had these too and actually forgot about them. Now I want some!!

  2. My mom just sent us some of these for Christmas (I hadn't had them for years!) The boys loved them! Can't wait to make them again.
    Happy New Year!

  3. These look so good...My fiance says I need to learn how to cook.

    I think I may come back here for inspiration ;-)


  4. it's never even crossed my mind that one could make her very own oyster crackers--good for you! i have no doubt that these are far superior to the often-stale storebought kind. :)

  5. I had totally forgotten about these. Great, now I'm going to be craving them.

  6. OMG OMG OMG..I make these all the time for parties. My step Mom gave me the recipe on a hand written card so I thought they were "her" recipe.
    These little bad boys are addicting!!!

  7. Love these and I too have forgotten about them. Happy new year!

  8. My kids will love these!!! Thank you!!

  9. I used to love those crackers! They look sooo good.

  10. omg YES! i remember these and they were DELICIOUS. can't wait to make them :)

  11. These are SO good! We jokingly call them "breath mints" in our house due to the lovely garlic breath afterward!

  12. Oooh these look fantastic! What a great snack!

  13. how did I miss this one? I loved these as a kid. thank you thank for posting these. so now I can make some and eat the whole thing. LOL!

  14. My great grandma and I used to make these together when I was little. I remember naming them "Cooked Crackers".

  15. How did I miss out on these as a kid! I would be in trouble with these around the house. I think I'm going to try them out on my preschooler's class for snack! Thanks for sharing!


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