Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sweet Sadie Dog and a Wine Winner!

I fully admit: I have not been cooking much lately, and when I have been cooking I've also been too lazy hungry to take photos.  So, today I'm treating you to a Sadie post.

As I browsed through old photos, I realized I have not posted any new pics of Sadie since we adopted her.  You see, the poor thing had been attacked by another dog before we adopted her.  She had to have surgery, stitches, and came to us skinny, with a shaved back and a fear of all other dogs.  Look at her now.

With a lot of love and patience Sadie has certainly come out of her shell and grown back a beautiful coat!  She is such a little love; I cannot imagine coming home without seeing her absurdly long tail wagging uncontrollably in excitement.  She now loves other dogs and continues to love people.  ....and she went for a few dips in the ocean for the first time last weekend, her fear of water conquered!

{photos taken by iPhone so pardon any suckiness!}


And thanks to all who entered the Wine Spectator Giveaway!  The winner is..............................Lauren from Head Over Heels !  Congrats, sweetie.  Enjoy!


  1. Congratz winner! And good for you for taking in a needy dog. :)

  2. Thanks again my love! I am so excited!!

  3. thank you so much for taking in a shelter dog. i do volunteer work at a local shelter and am always so thankful when one goes to a perfect home like yours. sadie will have a wonderful life with you.

  4. Congrats to the winner! Isn't it funny how much simple pleasure you can get from a pup? It amazes me how they enhance you life in the easiest ways. Enjoy her, Sadie is gorgeous.

  5. bless your heart, sharon, for this rescue! i'm glad to see that your baby girl is thriving. :)

  6. Good for you adopting Sadie. Our kitty was quite shy when she came to us-that has quite changed.

  7. She looks so healthy now. You are a great mama!
    And your iPhone pictures? Fantastic!

  8. pic are actually pretty good to be taken on an iPhone! niiice dog!


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