Friday, August 28, 2009

Ode to Trader Joe's

While I muster up the energy to use hubby's Mac, I'm still computerless. I have gobs of pictures sitting on my camera so hopefully I will figure it all out. I know I'm being an old curmudgeon. I need to get with new technology! Embrace the no-right-click mouse! Until then, I have a picture-less post for you today :) Since Trader Joe's is within walking distance of my house, I frequent the store quite often. Despite my near daily trips to the store, I find myself continually surprised by someone mentioning their favorite Trader Joe's product. Usually, one which I've never even seen! I typically aim for my old favorites each trip and though I love TJ's, the aisles can sometimes get a little cluttered. Maybe it's the organization freak in me, but I will never understand why cookies & crackers are placed on the shelves above frozen meats. In any case, here are my can't-live-without products from TJ's. Please share your favorites with me as well so I can branch out!

TJ's Must-Have List:
*Thai Shrimp Gyoza- numero uno on our list. We consume these like we're never going to eat Asian food again. They're delicious. Second only to my momma's homemade stuff. Serve with sweet chili sauce and experience a little heaven.

*Pollo Asada Chicken Breasts - a very recent find thanks to some yummy in-store samples. Great on the BBQ and they're thinly sliced so they cook in no time and stay very juicy.

*Bag of Sliced Cremini Mushrooms- I love throwing these in stir-fries and have found the price per oz to be much cheaper than anywhere else

*TJ's reduced fat version of Wheat Thins - you know my obsession and dare I say I like these even more than the "real thing"?! Go through a box a week. Gross, but true.

*Cat Cookies - comes in a tub and are highly addictive. Not sure why they picked cats, but whatever. They're yummy nonetheless. These come in three flavors: cinnamon, chocolate, and 'normal' :)

*Dr Praeger's California Style Veggie Burgers - You can probably buy these elsewhere for those of you unlucky folks without a local TJ.

*Eggplant hummus - Eat me with Wheat Thins & you'll be happy.

*Love/hate relationship - Par baked Ciabatta bread: I really love this bread. As the name implies, it hasn't been baked fully so you can recreate freshly baked bread in your home. I've found that if you don’t eat this right away it gets moldy quickly...very quickly. So buy it only if you're gonna eat the whole thing!

If this post just left you hungry for more Trader Joe's, check out Trader Joe's Fan, a fun site with TJ's recipes, reviews and new location rumors!
So...what's your favorite??


  1. Thai Green Curry Simmer Sauce. Just simmer chicken breast or shrimp in it. Serve over jasmine rice.

  2. Love TJs!
    Also fans of the shrimp goyza. I love that they sell little cubes of frozen basil for winter cooking when I can't walk out the door and pick fresh. Spring rolls, lobster ravioli, beef taquitos, and the portabello ravioli are all favs around here.

  3. The Tarte d'Alsace is my favorite thing at TJ's. I'll usually eat one for a weekend lunch or dinner.

  4. Mmm those chicken breasts sound great! I also love their "wheat thins" especially with their bottled artichoke bruschetta. Some of my TJs favorites are the chicken sausages and items in the frozen aisle: french onion soup, gnocchi with red sauce and mozzarella, chicken potstickers, and (for special occasions) the orange chicken! I also find that their block Parmesan cheese is cheaper than our regular grocery store, so we get it there.

  5. Great post! Have you tried the chocolate souffles? They are fabulous!

  6. Oh yeah and the frozen basil and chicekn potstickers are sooo good!

  7. You need to try the sesame marintaed Korean short ribs in the meat section. These are woderful with a little white rice and some veggies!

  8. Oh, how I love Trader Joe's too! I buy so much from there but some of my favorites are the frozen mandarin chicken with frozen brown rice. This makes a great quick dinner. I also love all their cheeses, prosciutto, fresh moz balls, turkey kielbasi, whole wheat pasta..... okay I'll stop now but I could think of a few more things...LOL!

  9. Wish I had one close by! The only one I've been to was in Portland, OR. It was great.

  10. I am one of those sad sad souls that dont have a TJ's within like 1000 miles!!!!! GRRRR

  11. Love TJs too! BTW, you can right click by holding control while you click the mouse. Good luck! :)

  12. TJ's pizza dough is really handy - and it comes in a few different 'flavors' like whole wheat, spinach, and white. A real must though - jarred Morello cherries. These were listed as the "best canned cherries" by the American Test Kitchen and I have to agree. Beware of pitts though - i usually find 1 or 2 per jar. THey are about 1/2 the price of my local grocer - and taste GREAT. I always stock up.

  13. I'm going to have to try the shrimp goyza. I love their pizza crust. Since hubby discovered the strawberry licorice I've been snacking on it like there's no tomorrow. I agree with you about the sliced mushrooms. I also like their package of green onions.

  14. Walking distance, lucky you. We have to go to the States to go to TJ.

  15. I sooooooo miss having a TJ's close by. I loved their oatmeal blueberry-raspberry muffins.

  16. "Live without" is stretching it since I do live without :) but when I am near TJs I want their wine. Helpful, aren't I? My husband loves their Thai frozen meals.

  17. I also love they soy chorizo and precooked beluga lentils!

  18. Sharon! I haven't been over here in so long because I stopped visiting when I realized I was a failure of a wife since I can't cook worth a crap. But now all of a sudden everything here looks SO YUMMY I might just hop on by for a quick drool fest:)

    Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. You make sure to come to me whenever 'your time' comes. And I would love to make you a pregnancy/baby book too, of course:)

    Take care!

  19. My "regulars" at TJs:
    goat cheese
    dijon mustard
    Greek yogurt
    Superfoods fruit spread (jam)
    frozen shrimp
    Relax tea
    creamy cilantro salad dressing
    dark chocolate

  20. There is a TJs in NYC but it's always so crowded that you can barely move, let alone shop there and I don't have the patience. Thanks for this list: I'll keep it on hand for the next time I'm in the suburbs :)

  21. I wish we had a Trader Joe's. Thank you for the site! I'm going to check it out...

  22. I can't live without TJ's garlic naan. I always have a packet of it in my freezer.

  23. Lucky you within walking distance (by any chance does your TJ's have a Peet's Coffee right across the way?)! Count me among the shrimp gyoza fans, and to the "TJ's Faves List" I'll add:
    -Korean Style Short Ribs
    -Caramelized Onion and Feta Bites
    -Pinachios cookies (served with a wee dollop of TJ's mascarpone on top--it's crack, I tell you!)
    -Mud Pie (although I haven't seen it in the store in AGES)
    This list could go on and on...

  24. Have you tried their Mediterranean Hummus? It's the best! It tastes like the real deal. I'm so jealous; we just moved states and no longer have Trader Joe's as an option. Keep shopping there and maybe they'll expand :-)


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