Saturday, September 5, 2009

Strawberry Spinach Salad with Feta and Caramelized Onions

As summer comes to a close, I find myself wondering "how'd it get so freakin' hot here?!" San Diego, land of mild climes has become a perpetual hot box. Needless to say I haven't embraced any reunions with the kitchen. I dared to turn on the oven a few days ago and we paid the price after two consecutively sticky days.

While I will always be someone who just loves steamin hot food, salads have never seemed more appetizing. This is one of my favorites with you guessed it, feta cheese! (sorry Brittwilk!) Toss a few summer ripe strawberries with chopped spinach, feta, grilled asparagus and caramelized onions and you have yourself a cool meal that won't leave you sweating! We tried this with a little bit of Annie's Natural Shiitake & Sesame Vinaigrette.

Hope you all have a great weekend and a happy Labor(less) day! I'll leave you with a recent picture of our big puppy, Sadie, taken on a hike this morning. She looks happy, huh? That's because we're in the shade! :)

Strawberry Salad
recipe by hubby

1 small red onion, sliced
1 bunch of asparagus, cut into bite sized pieces
1 bag of baby spinach, coarsely chopped
1 pint of strawberries, sliced
1 small package of reduced fat crumbled feta (about 3oz)

1. Coat large nonstick skillet with cooking spray over medium heat. Slowly saute red onion slices until caramelized, about 20 minutes. Add asparagus and saute lightly. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

2. In a large bowl, toss chopped spinach, feta cheese, and strawberries. Add cooled veggies and toss with your favorite dressing.


  1. Wonderful salad!! Great mix of ingredients to end summer.

    Aww, love Sadie :-D

    Happy Labor Day weekend!!

  2. mmm... spinach salad is my fav. 6 more weeks and i'm totally doing it sharon-style. keep the feta coming! :)

  3. That is a gorgous and colorful salad. I love the way strawberries add that pop of flavor and color.

    And a cute puppy too!

  4. Hi Sharon
    Excellent salad, beautiful and vibrant colours.
    Your puppy is gorgeous x

  5. Awww Sadie! Cute.

    I love this salad. I don't blame you at all for not turning on the oven.

  6. mmm...gorgeous strawberries. you've created a marvelous summer salad, sharon! and sadie's an absolute doll. :)

  7. Nice salad - and I agree, what happened to summer?!

  8. interesting combination. i would never have thought to pair feta and strawberries...

  9. Nice looking salad! It's been extremely hot here too. Quite a huge change as compared to last year with all the rain.

  10. Aww, your puppy is adorable!

    What a lovely salad, caramelized onions just make everything better :)


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