Monday, December 20, 2010

Basil, Mozzarella and Sausage Skewers

As of today, December 20th 2010 I am officially done with Christmas shopping! I must say that this is a new record for me and I pretty much have Amazon and all the ridiculously creative people on Etsy to thank for this year's efficiency.  If you've never been over to Etsy, I suggest you head there right now.  Yes, leave my post - it's ok.  The site's that good and full of amazing presents  :)  How's your holiday shopping progressing this year?

Mozzarella Skewers
With all my newly discovered free time, I'm back in the kitchen.  Though that sounds oddly 1940's domestic I'm happy to get back to baking and into the warmest room in our house.  Seriously, folks.  If you ever find your toes getting cold, just head into the kitchen and bake something.  You'll feel much better about life AND your house will smell good.

Mozzarella Skewers
Today's recipe is easy and perfect for the holidays.  I love this recipe because not only is it Christmas colors, but it also comes together quickly and is an excellent finger food.  All too often, I find myself at a party trying to eat an appetizer and having it fall all over my white clothing.  Who wears white clothing in the winter besides me?  Lesson learned.  Put finger foods on toothpicks to make life easy for klutzes like me!  Unfortunately, not too much "heat cooking" is involved so you'll just need to put some snuggle socks on instead.

1 clove garlic, smashed
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
12 bocconcini (small mozzarella balls)
1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes
12 basil leaves, preferably large
12 toothpicks or short wooden skewers
2 -3 sausage links of your choice

Combine the garlic, salt, pepper flakes, and olive oil in a medium glass bowl. Cover and microwave on high until the garlic is golden, about 2 minutes. Cool. Add the bocconcini and refrigerate for at least 1 and up to 24 hours.

Pan fry sausages and allow to cool slightly.  Slice sausages.

Thread a tomato onto a skewer, wrap a bocconcini in a basil leaf and add to the skewer; finish with a sausage

Repeat with the remaining cheese and tomatoes.


  1. Ironically enough, as of today, I hae officially STARTED my Christmas shopping! Oy. That sounds pathetic. I need one of these skewers to revive me. They look delicious!

  2. starting dec 26 i am off carbs & sugar. so this recipe will come in handy. oh yes

  3. I finished up a couple weeks ago and it is nice to be stress free...well, for the most part! These are right up my alley, Sharon. Super easy yet delicious. Wishing you the best this holiday!

  4. These are the perfect colors for a great holiday dish. Yum!

  5. Funny I did all my shopping on Amazon and Etsy too! Great minds think alike!
    Merry Christmas to you

  6. simple & tasty! I'm a klutz with food too!

  7. girl i know it's now after Christmas, but great for you for being done 5 days before! how impressive...

  8. These basil, mozzarella and sausage skewers look awesome! Thanks for the post.

  9. These look delicious! Just found your wonderful blog and am a new follower!
    - Jessica @

  10. I know it's almost May, but I just stumbled upon your recipe and I can't wait to try them out! I might have to give them a try before the holidays because they just look too good! How spicy was the sausage you used?
    I'll be sure to look back here next Christmas for some new ideas!
    ~Nancy Lewis~

  11. These skewers sound so delicious! Sounds like the perfect reciple for the next outdoor barbeque.

  12. This is perfect for holiday parties.

  13. That looks absolutely perfect and EASY! Can I reference you over on my blog tomorrow? I'm putting together a list of five easy summer meals and yours looks fantastic!


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