Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Safeway Home Delivery Review

I've never thought of myself as a control freak, but when it comes to grocery shopping I must say that I am classic type-A.  I really do love grocery shopping and I have some crazy primal need to pick and choose what goes into my basket.  So, when I was offered the chance to try out Safeway's grocery home delivery service I was both excited and frightened at the same time.  Would I really be able to let a stranger pick and pack my groceries when ahem, there is a Safeway basically across the street from my house?
Safeway Grocery Haul
Along with my control freakness, I tend to be an impulse buyer at the grocery and can't really leave without spending at least $50 so I figured this if anything, this would be a good exercise in purchasing what I actually need. Luckily, the shopping purchase was pretty easy as I picked a recipe (Creamy Lemon Soup with Lamb Mint Meatballs - amazing!) and went to town from there. For good measure I picked out some produce to see what I'd get.

Result? It was a bit hard for me to wait for the groceries to arrive. Luckily, they give you a pretty short window for delivery and my driver was kind enough to call on his way over.  The process was quick and easy and the next time it is too cold for me to leave the house, I'm thinking this ain't too bad of an option.  Finding ground lamb isn't always and easy task so I was happy to be able to order this online and not travel from store to store in search of such an elusively good item.  All in all a great service - one I can imagine would be uber helpful in the big city!

Disclosure: Thanks to Safeway and Foodbuzz for the chance to review. I was not compensated for the review but did receive a stipend to try out their fantabulous service.  The opinions are my own.


  1. My roommate uses fresh direct which is basically the same as this, but I'm much more of a do-it-myself girl. I love the shopping EXPERIENCE. Then again, when I want something like lamb or some esoteric ingredient...I just have her order it. So much easier.

  2. I used to use a grocery delivery when I lived in San Francisco & worked full-time. I liked that I could easily order things like 1 pork chop.

  3. Denise Michaels @ Adventurous FoodieDecember 8, 2010 at 9:57 PM

    I have used grocery delivery a couple times and I always end up going back to pushing my cart and shopping.

    Why? I just like having a break in the middle of the day. I don't have to think too much about the knotty problems I resolved every day. Take little breaks like this (manicures count, too) or work nonstop from the moment I get up until my head crashes on the pillow all at once.

  4. I have always wondered about the home delivery. Thanks for telling us.

  5. Good idea..but I too am a grocery store control freak! But I think it would totally help me save money

  6. Great Blog this will help me save my time and money. Thanks love it!

    home food delivery


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