Though I had initially been a bit reluctant (and a little bit of a brat) to give up my dreams of a sunny beach summer, I admit that leaving DC will be a smidge bittersweet. Returning to an urban area has reminded me of the joys of public transportation, eclectic & ethnic eateries, and of course, the ability to walk to a destination beyond my mailbox.

Beyond the perks of city living, life in the kitchen is sure to improve. I'm ecstatic to be reunited with my KitchenAid mixer, my pots & pans, and of course all of my baking tools. Having a little counter space never hurt either. I was getting burnt out on baking muffins week after week and using Tupperware, stock pots, or any other cylindrical object I could locate as my mixing bowls.

I thought of making a hot pasta dish, but instead settled on a pasta salad combining all of the ingredients above. It's truly a clear the pantry type of recipe, so feel free to modify with what you have on hand. If I were to make this again, I would use fresh corn as opposed to the mixed veggies. I'd also use cilantro that didn't look like it was on its last leg! The pasta tastes best at room temperature so that it stays nice & creamy.
Once I get settled back into the house, I'm sure I'll begin cooking up a storm and have plenty of recipes to share.
Smoky Chipotle Pasta Salad
2 cups uncooked pasta
1 large garlic clove, minced
1 -2 sweet Italian sausages (I only had one but would use two next time)
1/2 of a chipotle pepper in adobo, minced
1/2 cup frozen mixed vegetables or corn
1/2 cup mayonaise
1/2 juice of a lemon
1 teaspoon adobo sauce
1/4 teaspoon brown sugar
salt & pepper to taste
olive oil
handful of cilantro, chopped
1. Cook pasta per directions on box and drain
2. In a medium skillet, heat olive oil and saute garlic clove for 1 minute
3. Add in frozen vegetables and the chopped chipotle pepepr and stir. If needed, add a little water to help the veggies cook.
4. Once cooked, remove vegetables from the pan and cook the sausage in the same pan. Slice the sausage once browned & cooked until no longer pink, about 7-9 minutes
5. In a medium bowl, combine mayonaise, lemon, adobo sauce, brown sugar and salt and pepper.
6. Add veggies, pasta and sausage to the bowl. Toss gently and sprinkle cilantro on top.
Not only does it look delicious, but the addition of sausage and adobo sounds fantastic! Have a safe trip home.
So creative with only a few things hanging around! Have a good trip back home, and see you soon! After your reunion with your kitchen stuff, anyway. ;)
Mmm, another spicy dish! Yum!
Have a safe trip home!
glad you enjoyed your summer in DC! safe travels back to Cali. (:
How creative to use up your last wares! Have a safe trip home.
i'd love some more sausages too, girl ^_^
have a pleasant trip! looking forward to your new creations hehehe
i do use pots etc as mixing bowls lol
Chipotle is one of my favorite ingredients in just about anything. Travel safely!
Yay you are on your way home, I'm sure you've had a terrific summer in DC! Have a safe trip back!
You must be home allready! Was it exciting to see your KA again? Did it cry? Did you cry?
The pasta looks great and this kind of dishes are just perfect for mixing things. I love pasta salads and have them quite often!
excellent use of your leftovers--how convenient that most of what you had lying around could combine to form such a delightful dish. you've got good taste. :)
i hope you have a joyous homecoming!
Oh my stars! Girl, you and I DO have the same cravings (your couple last posts on my blog) as I love putting Italian sausage in my pasta salad. Great minds think alike!
Before I put my sausage in I char the outside for that "crunch". Mmmm.
Have a safe trip home.
Have a safe trip home. Glad you had a fun summer!
I've been really into chipotle lately, I just love the flavor! Your pasta salad looks amazing, I am going to have to try this for sure, I love pasta salads!!
I'm having an event over at my blog, this would be a perfect entry!
Sounds awesome! Pasta salads are great and I love sausage in anything.
Ok Sharon..this is a test..tell me when you get this comment in your email..and if you are able to reply or do you get the "No reply" thing
another test
There's no place like home, no matter how cool the place you are visiting is! I'm sure your KitchenAid will be thrilled to see you.
your 'leftovers' look fantastic!
That looks wonderful. Safe flight!
I love meals that come together like this with only a few ingredients! I'd actually go out and buy the ingredients for this - it looks that good!
The pasta salad looks great. Boy if I were you I'd be all over the mixer in particular. Living without one must've been rough! I hear you about walking to your mailbox versus a store, etc. I've never wanted to live in the city--but I have always wanted to be able to walk to stuff as though I did live in one, if that makes any kind of crazy sense.
You are good! Even putting something nice together at the last minute. Be safe!
I love your pasta salad! And this was a spur of the moment dish??!! I wish I was thast good!
oooh, this looks tasty. I like the sausage. you know what I like about it? A little goes a long way, it has so much flavor that you don't need much of it, so this is the perfect amount :).
becareful coming home and give your kitchen aid a big ol' hug,
Well put together dish Sharon!
You gotta love the spicy pasta and with the addition of the sausage...perfect!
Well, it seems that you made great inprov out of your temporary living situation. I am sure that you will love returning to your own digs.
Chipotle are my favorite form of jalapenos. Such a wonderful tasty treat.
Thanks for all the wonderful San Diego suggestions. I had a blast and am actually heading back in a couple weeks for a mini-vacation and to get into more trouble. Such an awesome and fun town!
Sometimes by the time August rolls around the last thing I want to see is another pasta salad. This is a wonderful twist on an old favorite!
This pasta sounds so tasty. I really enjoy the chipotle in adobo sauce with mayo combination and using it in a pasta is a great idea.
I hope I'll be enjoying it. My hubby calls it one of his all-time favorite dinners. And it's so easy - always a winner.
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