Friday, October 31, 2008

Ladies and Gents, we have a winner...and some biscuits!

Last night, I sat at my computer waiting patiently for the clock to strike midnight so I could pick the Gathering of Friends Cookbook winner. Without further adieu, the lucky winner and also host of one of my favorite blogs is #10, Lisa! Congrats! Lisa from Jersey Girl Cooks likes to share a big pot of spaghetti & meatballs or bbq in the summer with friends. After reading the many delicious things you all like to share with friends, I realized I need to get to know some of you better ;)

Enjoy the beautiful cookbook and thanks to Michelle from Gathering of Friends for helping out with the giveaway!!

biscuits and gravyLest I leave you without any food today, here's a shot of a recent "quick" breakfast. Not for those squeamish about calories, biscuits 'n sausage gravy are a favorite of hubby's and a delightful way to start the day. Comfort food makes everything better, don't you think? I wish I could say that I made these biscuits from scratch, but then it'd disqualify this from being a quick meal. And that'd be a shame.

We basically follow this recipe from Bobby Flay, though I add the milk in gradually to reach the desired consistency as I like things thick! I also only use 1 package of sausage and halve the rest of the ingredients. We're not gluttons here. :)

Happy Halloween everyone! Enjoy the day!


The Blonde Duck said...

I love sausage and biscuits. Oh yum yum yum!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Congratulations to Lisa!!

Happy Halloween, Sharon!!

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

Thank you! Thank you! I will email you my info later.Yummy biscuits!

kat said...

oh my does that look delish!

Clumbsy Cookie said...

Lisa wins it all! Congratulations to her! Nice biscuits!

Unknown said...

I wonder if I can make this recipe with veggie sausage? I don't eat meat but I love biscuits and my son loves biscuits. Hmmm. It has been a minute since I have visited over here and it is still as scrumptious as ever!

Sharon said...

Renee, glad to see you back! I had this recipe bookmarked for vegetarian biscuits 'n gravy since I'm not much of a sausage person:

It's pretty much the same principle as the other recipe. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

These are a beautiful rendition of a great recipe, bravo to you!

Esi said...

I'm in the mood for this, like right now.

That Girl said...

This is one of my favorite southern indecencies!

MrOrph said...

That is one of my favorite breakfast dishes and your's is making me hungry!

MaryBeth said...

I really love biscuits and gravy, these look amazing.

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

I never made biscuits. Looking at this I'm hundry.

Anonymous said...

Definitely some good downhome cooking!

Anonymous said...

I use pretty much the same recipe (also with just one pound of sausage) but I've found that using half heavy cream and half skim milk will make the gravy taste like it has a dash of crack in it. I made a pot to take to school one day and it was gone in less than an hour. Definitely not healthy, but definitely delicious beyond belief.

houstonmacbro said...

Biscuits and gravy are really big down here (Texas), but I always manage to avoid it. But I see all the cooking shows and your great pictures, and it's making me hungry!

grace said...

your biscuit looks buttery and luscious, and except for the occasional thin mishap, i've never seen a gravy i didn't want to bury my face in. :)

Aggie said...

Congrats Lisa!! Great breakfast!

Emily said...

Mmm. Biscuit & gravy are worth the calories!

Anonymous said...

Oh yum, I've been meaning to try biscuits & gravy sometime!

Snooky doodle said...

wow this looks yummy and the biscotti in the previous post are to die for :-)

Maria said...

Yeah for Lisa!! Hope you had a nice Halloween weekend!

Angela said...

yumm.... is it going to be good for my diet though?

Unknown said...

i love biscuits and this one looks sooo tempting! :)

momofculinarystudent said...

Had my first sausage & biscuits in Alabama! Fabulous!