For anyone with a foodie on their Christmas list, here's a few ideas that personally leave me salivating, intrigued, or feeling guilty because its the season of giving, (not gift giving for myself!):
Lava Lake Lamb
Lava Lake Ranch raises 100% grass fed free-range lambs. And when I say free-range, just think that these guys have grazing lands that extend over 800,000 acres! I was lucky enough to try the Rosemary Garlic Lamb Sausage and let me tell you it was heavenly. The seasonings were just right to compliment, but not detract from the meat. Served with some veggies and Crash Hot Potatoes, this was just about a perfect meal.
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan
Though I consider myself fairly educated about what I eat, the virtues of sustainable farming and slow food, I was nonetheless utterly fascinated by this book. Pollan's book forces you to face the fact that so few of us really consider what we eat on a daily basis.
Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer
I'm not sure if I need to give a testimonial for the true greatness of this mixer, but if you're still in the dark you must buy one! There are quite a few models to chose from - ranging from the simple to the fancy schmancy.
Ebelskiver Filled-Pancake Pan
If you're really loved by someone, buy them this pancake pan and wait around until they make you a tasty morsel. I mean, how could you say no to fluffy delicious-ness. I've been coveting this guy for quite awhile now.
Magnetic Spice Rack Board
If you're any type of foodie, you probably have an absurd number of spices, artisan salts and rubs. If you're anything like me, you probably have spices falling out of drawers and lazy susans and you're continually asking yourself "where the hell is the {insert spice name here}?!" This magnetic board comes to the rescue. Not only is it cute, but no more cussing needed.

Hearst Ranch Grass Fed Beef
I'm not what you'd call a meat eater, but I can certainly appreciate some good looking steaks. If I'm buying you a present this year and you're reading this guide, you uh, may or may not be receiving some cows in the mail. Along with aged steaks and hamburgers, they also sell artisan sauces and jerky. Yum!
Happy Holidays to you and your favorite foodie!
Great gift guide!
I read The Omnivore's Dilemma and it really opened my eyes too. Even though I don't eat meat, I began to rethink some of my other animal-based food choices. I wish more people would do the same!
I suggested pork as a gift & you suggested beef...I see we are on the same wavelength that meat makes a good gift!
I have wanted that magnetic spice thingee for years! Come on Santa!
I buy all my meat & seafood from Whole Foods. They are the only ones that have humane pratices.
We got my mom one of those mixers for Christmas!
I want that KA mixer!
Love these ideas! That spice rack is so spices are out of control!
Happy Holidays!
This year I got a big bottle of olive oil and I think it was a great gift. Beef also sounds cool now that I think of it!
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